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1 . 2014

Сравнительный анализ эффективности действия эргогенных компонентов энергетических напитков (кофеина и экстракта горького апельсина) в сочетании с алкоголем

AbstractEstimation of ergogenic effects of caffeine and bitter orange exract combined with alcohol is presented in the article. Investigations were performed on 3 groups (8 animals in each group) of male Wistar rats aged 4 months. Animals in group 1 were treated orally for 7 days, the mixture comprising caffeine and alcohol (0,6 g of caffeine, 72 ml of ethanol, water to 1 liter) in an amount equivalent to 4,28 mg caffeine per kg of body weight. Animals in group 2 received a mixture containing bitter orange extract and alcohol (1 g bitter orange extract, 72 ml of ethanol, water to 1 liter) in an amount equivalent to 0,43 mg of synephrine per kg body weight. Animals in the control group received the same volume (7,1 ml/kg) 7,2% aqueous solution of ethanol. Group of animals consumed caffeine in mixture with alcohol and the control group exhibited a significant weight gain, while the body weight of animals treated with the extract of bitter orange didn’t significantly change. Using the methodology of the open field the effects of caffeine and bitter orange extract in combination with alcohol on the ratio of the active components of the orienting-exploratory behavior and passive-defensive behavior have been determined. Administration of mixture with caffeine increased locomotory activity by 164%, administration of bitter orange extract didn’t affect this performance. Introduction of caffeine containing mixture significantly reduced the level of situational anxiety, which was manifested in the reduction of time spent by the animal in the center of the arena. The effects of ergogenic components on the performance of static and dynamic muscle endurance have been investigated. Single administration of the mixture containing caffeine, after 30 min caused a significant increase in performance and, consequently, endurance of glycolytic muscle fibers measured using the «inverted grid» test. Animals from this group produced 186% more work compared with control animals. Acute administration of bitter orange extract did not cause significant changes in static endurance. At the same time after 7 days of its daily administration a slight increase in dynamic endurance (test «treadmill») has been determined, which was expressed in some increase in the amount of work done by animals fed bitter orange extract compared with the control group of animals. Death of 1 animal in the group consumed bitter orange exract mixture with alcochol indicates potential risks of synephrine consumation together with alcohol.

Keywords:energy drink, alcohol, caffeine, synephrine

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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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